This blog is about my new hair, mainly, and how it is very dangerous. Right, so my good friend
Katie Ryan (whose blog is lovely), decided to attack my hair with bleach and red hair dye. It wasn’t red enough at first, but it now resembles postbox colour. I like it very much, and have been told several times that it really suits me, but the problem is that it’s affecting my personality. As a fairly nondescript auburn haired girl, I am normally quite shy, blush when people say rude things and, despite loving fashion, tend to dress in skinny jeans and converse.
But in the red hair, I’ve found that I’m dressing in different ways – more cleavage or brighter colours, more belted, classic shapes. I’ve worn heels quite a lot, as well. Therefore, it would seem that redheaded me is an extrovert, as well as being somewhat ruder. It’s really strange how a different hair colour has affected my personality, though Katie, who is something of a hair chameleon, says the same thing – being blonde makes you act more butter-wouldn’t-melt, black hair makes you come over all Bettie Page and saucepot-ish, brown makes you act sweet and nerdy, and red makes you a bit of a siren.
This got me thinking about other ladies with bright red hair, with my immediate thought being of the incomparable April Flores. April is a porn star and model, with amazingggg curves and scarlet hair. She also has a gorgeous sense of style, favouring bright colours, lots of unashamed cleavage and nipped-in waists. Therefore, with me not yet being used to the attention that the hair and newfound filthy sense of humour are bringing me, I’m going to have an April Flores week. I’m going to get dressed up every day, rocking the bright red lipstick and the heels. Luckily, being fivefootnothing means that I can get away with some brilliant heels. Pretty dresses and pinks, reds and florals are where it’s at.

I’ll be posting my photo every day from my twitter, but I’ll put the collection up at the end of the week on here.