I'm still suffering with creative block like I've never known before - I'm finding it hard to write, take photographs, draw (I'm not great by any stretch, but it's an outlet) or even do design work.
I'm listening to the most recent Rocket Summer album a lot, and one line is really sticking in my head -
"I need a break...but I'd rather have a breakthrough."It's a brilliant album, and I really reccomend buying it or having a listen on Spotify
http://open.spotify.com/track/3YKvUYk73KgGWQM8DhpkGBBryce's lovely breathy vocals are never less than inspiring, with lyrics that are often about persevering in the face of things that want to hold you back, and about keeping faith. I'm a stoic atheist, but I really don't see why I can't find bands like
The Rocket Summer,
Relient K or
The Devil Wears Prada inspiring - I belive in people still, and the songs are about love, which everyone can relate to.
Highlights of the album (after many, many listenings) are, in my opinion, Pull Myself Together and Roses. The guitars and drums are uplifting, typically of TRS, though I must admit that I'd like to hear Bryce work with a female vocalist, as he's got a great voice that it'd be nice to hear doing something a bit different. The Rocket Summer have kept the formula that's sustained them this far going, and it still works well.
Another way I'm trying to get out of my creative funk is my looking at
iliketweet , a great arty fashion blog. One of Clare's recent posts was on underwater photography, which led me back to
Zena Holloway's work, which is just gorgeous.
From her newer collections, I particularly like these new ones with jewels;

and these, which use light painting;

From the archives, these two are my favourites - they always fill me with a sense of peace when I see them.