Ok, so I've made it 10 days!
Today I have to blog about:
"songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad"
Happy: Usually something poppy, like Lady Gaga, who I adore, or Katy Perry, whose new album is brilliant.

Sad: If I'm indulging my sadness, Jonah Matranga or Peter Katz always do the trick. if I'm in the mood to be cheered up, old 70s and 80s rock, and the new punk goes classic rock album!
Bored: I'll usually go with an album I know really well, so I can read or write whilst it's on. Cue Frank Turner, Reuben, Bruce Springsteen and Liam Frost.
Hyper: songs from my teenage years: blink 182, sum 41, the rocket summer and bowling for soup to name a few. I also like the Glee music!
Mad: stuff that fuels my anger. Anything loud! The Blackout, The Dropkick Murphys, Reuben (again) and Million Dead.
Now seems a good time for a review:
The Trestles at ZanzibarMy favourite Scouse band opened their set with "A Shot of Wonder", which is, in my humble opinion, a brilliant one to start with. The guitar hook that begins the song gets you interested straight away. This tune got the crowd moving, but the vocals lacked the band's characteristic heart. They got into their stride with “Thirty”, where the band’s musical ability came together with O’Hare’s soul, to make music that resonated with the mixed crowd.
The Trestles got the well-oiled crowd into the swing, and soon there was cheering, dancing and singing along. The Civilised, a personal favourite, showcased the best of the band, and kept energy levels bouncing back and forth with the crowd. It must be said at this point that the new lineup is working brilliant, with the boys pulling together to form a more organised-sounding performance and being visually united, standing closer together and moving with the music, rather than remaining static, as they have in the past.
Sing On, the band’s most recent single, is interesting, but has technical hiccups and should have been far louder, particularly the vocals. The closing song, A Drink of Water, is superb, and underscores how much longer they deserve onstage.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Go see them. No review or recording can capture this band doing what they excel at – an energetic, vibrant and intriguing live set.