I just had to...

post this paragraph from the Guardian. you can find the original article here.

"What was interesting about Paglia's article was its implication that, in order to be a star – and particularly a female star – you have to be sexually appealing. This was underlined by her list of female singers she does admire. "Among the magnetic presences in music today," she wrote, "are tigresses of charismatic sensuality or gamines of buoyant charm – Beyoncé, Shakira, Rihanna, Lily Allen, Nelly Furtado." All of which apparently ignored the fact that, for her fans, one of Gaga's key attractions is precisely her dismissal of traditional, feminine sex appeal, of the need to be charming, of the values and aesthetic of other female singers: the ripe, pert bodies, the pretty, familiar costumes."


Chris T-T in Manchester

It’s taken a few days for me to write this particular review, as my initial attempts resulted in the written version of a frustrated howl. Chris T-T is a superb musician. Lyrically, his songs are thoughtfully written, conveying the struggle of being young in a country where the politics are fucked, the environment is fucked and there are no jobs. Musically, T-T’s talents shine brighter than anything you’ll see Cowell & Co drivelling about on a Saturday night. (This image isn't mine)

It is a disgusting sign of the times that I know a student, a member of the group of people supposedly the most educated in the country, who told me that she did not vote in the General Election, but watched every episode of the X Factor, and cried at the results. Despair prevails.

So when I was given my first chance to go and see Chris T-T perform his brand of quietly rebellious folk music for a fiver, I leapt at the chance. Chris T-T was performing a last minute show at Sound Control, a popular and modern venue on Manchester’s Oxford Road. The gig was part of the well-publicised TUC conference taking place in the city earlier this week.

Manchester is often described as England’s “second city” for its outstanding musical history. In recent years, Manchester has been accused of resting on its laurels musically, relying on the fame of previous musicians and recycling a sound that is now tired and strained. This is a fair point, and one that is easily explained. The three universities are attracting students that are increasingly from further afield. These are students who are in Manchester for a short time, and have no loyalty to the city. They are not forming bands or investing their time and money in going to see local acts, but rather throwing their money at tired establishments like Jilly’s, 5th Ave and 42nd Street.

They are not taking the time to explore the city, but all seem to want to be stereotypical indie darlings. Only the newest bands fed to them from the pages of NME will do. Their loss, I say. There were far too few people who managed to make it to Sound Control on Tuesday, to see an artist who deserves to sell out Academy One.

Chris T-T took to the stage around 10.30pm, with a handful of curious TUC members, me and Chris (of Nice Try Radio) for company. Luckily for Chris T-T, NTR Chris and I are a rather noisy audience, and knew most of the words. Luckily for us, Chris T-T didn’t let the small audience faze him, and went on to play a brilliant show.

The best parts were T-T’s slowed down version of “Elephant in the Room” and “A Box to Hide In” – the latter of which usually has me in tears, but which took on a new, more positive angle when T-T sang it from on high. Also great was Chris T-T’s “M1 Song” – an accapella masterpiece that reverberated around the room with truth and beauty. “English Earth”, which I hadn’t heard before, simultaneously broke and healed my heart.

Though I was part of a crowd that could have been, at most, 35 people strong, I left Sound Control on Tuesday feeling nourished. I believe that music truly is the food of love. It would seem that the inhabitants of Manchester are happy to consume junk.

Blog Challenge - Day 12!

"How you found blogger and why you have one"

I found blogger when my journalism lecturer encouraged us to find a way of writing regularly. He said that blogging was the best way, and I've found the whole experience really enjoyable, and decided to carry on when my course ended. As I want to be a journalist, it's also a really good way for me to get my work out there.

I also love reading other people's blogs, particularly cookery and fashion ones. Here's some of my favourites(in no particular order!).


wolf whistle

Emma's ladder in my tights

Messy Carla

Buttons, Bows and Brogues

French For Cupcake (who posted a recipe for the best sponge cake I have ever tasted!)

Blog Challenge - Day 11 & competition entry!

"another picture of you and your friends"

Me and Niamh on our slightly disastrous, but incredibly fun trip to Ireland a few years ago. We're at Giant's Causeway here, hungover and soggy from the horrible weather. It was a crazy few weeks, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

My competition entry for Buttons, Bows & Brogues:

Blog Challenge - Day 10 & The Trestles Review @ Zanzibar

Ok, so I've made it 10 days!

Today I have to blog about:
"songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad"

Happy: Usually something poppy, like Lady Gaga, who I adore, or Katy Perry, whose new album is brilliant.

Sad: If I'm indulging my sadness, Jonah Matranga or Peter Katz always do the trick. if I'm in the mood to be cheered up, old 70s and 80s rock, and the new punk goes classic rock album!

Bored: I'll usually go with an album I know really well, so I can read or write whilst it's on. Cue Frank Turner, Reuben, Bruce Springsteen and Liam Frost.

Hyper: songs from my teenage years: blink 182, sum 41, the rocket summer and bowling for soup to name a few. I also like the Glee music!

Mad: stuff that fuels my anger. Anything loud! The Blackout, The Dropkick Murphys, Reuben (again) and Million Dead.

Now seems a good time for a review:

The Trestles at Zanzibar
My favourite Scouse band opened their set with "A Shot of Wonder", which is, in my humble opinion, a brilliant one to start with. The guitar hook that begins the song gets you interested straight away. This tune got the crowd moving, but the vocals lacked the band's characteristic heart. They got into their stride with “Thirty”, where the band’s musical ability came together with O’Hare’s soul, to make music that resonated with the mixed crowd.

The Trestles got the well-oiled crowd into the swing, and soon there was cheering, dancing and singing along. The Civilised, a personal favourite, showcased the best of the band, and kept energy levels bouncing back and forth with the crowd. It must be said at this point that the new lineup is working brilliant, with the boys pulling together to form a more organised-sounding performance and being visually united, standing closer together and moving with the music, rather than remaining static, as they have in the past.

Sing On, the band’s most recent single, is interesting, but has technical hiccups and should have been far louder, particularly the vocals. The closing song, A Drink of Water, is superb, and underscores how much longer they deserve onstage.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Go see them. No review or recording can capture this band doing what they excel at – an energetic, vibrant and intriguing live set.

Blog Challenge - Day 09!

"something youre proud of in the past few days"

I'm proud of myself for getting a job I really wanted.
I know my family and friends are really proud of me too, and I'm so grateful to them for telling me I could do it.

I'm so proud I might have to treat myself to these bad boys:

Polly Grey Spot Platform Shoe (Miss Selfridge, £40)

plus, they go with the dress from my previous post!
later today, I'll post my review of The Trestle's gig I went to on Monday!

Blog Challenge - Day 08!

"your short term goals for this month and why"

Well, I'm changing jobs, so it's probably to do the best I can.

I want to finish at Hope without too much fuss, and to then enjoy my birthday with all my favourite people. A week off, then a new start as a copywriter/proofreader in Skipton.

I'd like to make sure I spend a lot of time with my mister and my sister, because a new job in a faraway town will probably make it more difficult. I'd also like to feel a bit healthier, and get the guts to buy/wear this:

that's pretty much it!